Ashyknees' Time Killer

The author is willing, but her punctuation is weak.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Less Arrgg

Knowledge is power. The truth shall set you free. Etc. Etc. I also found it helps to walk around for a long time.

Since I am considering homeownership, I walked to the sites of some properties in my projected price range and while I didn't love the locations at all, the excersise did me a lot of good and I now have a clearer picture of what I like to see in a residential area:

Things I have come to accept:
aluminum siding
overwhelming lawn and window decor
astro turf
living room on the porch
people yelling out the window at friends and neighbors

Signs of a potential bargain location:
children of immigrants
fruit truck
elderly people tending yards
imaculate boat-sized American cars form the late '70s/early '80s
neighbors joking with each other

Signs that the location will not be a "good investment":
more than one storefront church per block
more than one pair of athletic shoes dangling from the phone wires
young man on porch is already angry and it's only 10 am on Sunday morning

Signs that the area is already too expensive:
new yoga studio
more than one white person per block
anti-gentrification stickers