Ashyknees' Time Killer

The author is willing, but her punctuation is weak.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Current Events

I'd like to be a solid citizen. I had good intentions for this election year, but so far, all I've done is send a fist full of bucks to a candidate and get on a mailing list. To be honest, I feel pretty snug in my left-leaning workplace and neighborhood. I live smack dab in the middle of the choir, so preaching feels a little silly. I limit my political action to a few outbursts of righteous indignation as I listen to the morning news on the radio. Still, sometimes I feel guilty for not having enough hard news and current events discussion in my blog.

Look, teacher, I brought an article.

Sontag's photo caption about "a larger confluence of torture and pornography" has great resonance for me.