Ashyknees' Time Killer

The author is willing, but her punctuation is weak.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Contacted by Duchess Harris

As if to prove those freaky Disney animatronic Small World kids right, Duchess Harris has commented on Ashyknee's Time Killer.

Readers of this blog may remember a few references to Duchess Harris. Ms. Harris is, of course, a real human being, but because of her many accomplishments, she is also a symbol of the kind of person that many in women in my family would like me to be. So, whether or not it is entirely just and even though I have never met her face to face (although I've seen her speak on my college campus when she was a student there), she has been mentioned by name in my blog, along with other accomplished scholars, politicians, and stars.

That mention also placed Ms. Harris in the company of puerile celebrity crushes, copulating frogs, man skirts, and the never ending mayonnaise debate. What can I say? I'm no scholar. I'm just a woman with a blog. But then, Ms. Harris is not a politician or a movie star, and she never bothered me on a bus.

My comments about her life outside of her work were thoughtless, regardless of their nature. For that I apologize.

Duchess Harris, PhD, I hope you don't mind my blog, and I hope you will forgive my poor judgement. You wouldn't have been mentioned by name if you hadn't achieved so much. I have deleted some portions of comments referring to you that, while not negative, may have been questionable internet content.

(I'm not touching yesterday's make out picture. If you can tell who those people are from that angle, then you have every right to know what they were doing!)