Kaiser Chiefs Were Wrong
Some band that the kids are into opened Live 8 Philly with a song called "I Predict A Riot." It was a catchy little number, but it turned out to be far from the spirit of the day. I saw precious little consciousness raising about our role in Africa's troubles, but there was a great sense of collective fun. If only America could send around the world more of the fun we generate. (What an American thing to say!)
As long as I can scope out a couple of escape routes, I love crowds. I feel much more alive in a crowd. I draw energy from them. I can't pass by a marathon without being nearly moved to tears of joy.
Before I met up with friends, I followed some Lois Lane urges and asked a guy with a One beach ball how he got it, what time he had arrived, etc., When we parted I said, "Good for you!" like I was some roving morning talk show field reporter.
I only got to spend a few minutes with Shasta, but latter I met up with Yoko and Lipby. It was great navagating the throng with them.
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