Ashyknees' Time Killer

The author is willing, but her punctuation is weak.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Zimmerman Code

Is it knitting sacrilege to complain about an Elizabeth Zimmerman pattern?

Her Baby Surprise Jacket seems like a happy little project, a kind way to ease into sweater making, until you get to row 7. Then all hell breaks loose. What defines a "ridge?" How and where do I place the stitch markers after I do the psso and k2tog (sorry about the knitting jargon. For definitions, check

The part that confused me the most was "After 22 dec (90 stitches), work 3 rows even" I stared and stared at those words for what seems like an eternity until their meaning finally came into focus. Zimmerman means After I have done 22 decreases (actually 44, I suppose), then I work 3 rows even.

Apparently, I am not alone in my confusion. The Baby Surprise Jacket pattern is funky enough to have inspired someone out to create a pattern supplement and post it on the internet (Too bad I forgot to bookmark it). It's like, the pattern has Cliff Notes.

During lunch, I studied the pattern again and I think I figured out where I went wrong in my approach. Still, if anyone out there has advice about placing stitch markers, let me know.