Quick Quick Slow Slow Quick: the ADHD Fox Trot
The results are in. Several rigorous tests and an extended interview with three fancy experts have shown that I really do have ADHD. I am officially "hyper."
The surprise in this assessment is that my impulsivity/hyperactivity score is really up there. And I thought I only had a slight case of the spazzies. The clinician who explained my test results said that my hyper tendencies were probably only kept in check by my sex and my gender socialization.
He said that while the tests show that I'm very smart, they also indicate that part of my brain is abnormally slow. My brain is doing a bizarro fox trot. The implications are many.
So, now what? Will I take medications to revv up the slow part of my brain? If I forget to take my prescription speed, at least I can sell it.
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