Humid Holiday Highlights
On Thursday everyone in the office was given "early dismissal" (yes, that's what the big boss calls it when we get the afternoon off before a holiday). I took this opportunity to volunteer to register voters at the Welcome America Fiesta on the Parkway Shindig. The volunteer group was organized by the Obama campaign, a fact that wasn't lost on a young man who was handing out coupons for a cellular phone company. He said that what we were doing was a "subliminal" message in support of a political candidate. I said, pointing to the Obama button on my t-shirt, there's nothing subliminal about it. This guy went on to challenge me with a few other "anti establishment," half baked libertarian questions about taxes and surveillance cameras. I wanted to say, dude, for a guy handing out glossy leaflets for a phone company at an event sponsored by an oil company that's supposed to be all patriotic and Hispanic loving, surrounded by giant inflatable corporate logos and booths with throbbing speakers, you picked a strange target for your subliminal big brother concerns--an unpaid lady with a laser printed register to vote sign taped to the back of a wooden clipboard. But I did not say that. I did my best to listen and nod. He said he believed that the founding fathers only wanted government to do what was essential for security. I said, "but what is essential? That is the question. Some people think surveillance cameras are essential." He didn't really have much to say after that, thank goodness.
Anyway, I did manage to register a couple of people. Hopefully, their forms will be accepted. Apparently, the PA voter registration forms are a bit tricky and many are rejected. I also ate some overpriced fried plantains and enjoyed the music.
That night, I relaxed with Yoko and Libpy at the movies. We saw Wall E. Stick a pair of eyes on anything and I'll be charmed. The robot Eve was the epitome of a geek boy's understanding of the female: rounded, sleek, advanced, inscrutable, deadly, moody, and irresistible.
On Friday, MJP and I enjoyed a 4th of July BBQ at my aunt's house in the burbs. There was an abundance of meats.
On Sunday, MJP went to the University Museum to check out the evolution exhibit and look at some ancient stuff. This museum still looks a bit tired, but they are trying to make the place more inviting. I felt up the giant see-through naked woman in the evolution exhibit and a museum guy prevented us from kanoodling in an out of order video screening alcove. But it wasn't all lurid sensation. I did learn some interesting facts about bones and life in Canaan/Israel.
On Sunday, I visited NJ and enjoyed a romp in the park, more grilled foods, and some videos with MJP and the kid. The kid insisted that it was Jesus who kept tapping the back of my neck. Semi-Pro was better than I though it would be.
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