News Flash: Pills Fail to Make Job More Interesting
This week I decided to try an new med for the old ADHD.
I'd given up taking ritalin daily long ago, preferring to keep it in stock in case of emergencies (long meetings, solemn ceremonies, filing taxes). It tended to make me feel tight in the chest.
For a while, I found that listening to music and using a fitness ball as a chair (it's bouncy!) seemed to work just as well as ritalin to keep me from spacing out or flitting from one chore to the next in my cubicle. But then I hit the doldrums at work and I became anxious about my productivity, so I asked my doctor for a new drug. I also tried placing my to do list in a new spot.
Unfortunately, there's no generic version of the flavor of adderall that was prescribed, so this new experiment with speed was a bit expensive. As I paid the pharmacists, I thought if these pills help me stay focused on the job, they may be worth it.
While the adderall does make me feel focused and less restless without feeling like I'm wearing a corset, it does not make routine tasks seem any less dull. So I guess adderall will be my new go to med for intensely boring situations. I'll have to find other ways to make my job less tedious.
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