A Sigh of Relief
Reasons why weirdos like me don't have to worry about the outcome of the Presidential election and stuff like that:
1. I work for a behemoth non-profit.
My benefits are pretty sweet. Maybe I don't make a lot of money, so I don't have a lot to lose. Also, my main source of income is a relatively safe harbor from the winds of economic change. Market forces take a long time to affect this place.
2. I walk to work.
Even if public transit is eliminated, I'll be okay. I have no idea how much money it costs to fill a gas tank because I don't even own a car.
3. I don't have children.
Future generations? Schools? Whatever.
4. I live in an urban enclave of weirdos.
If Crab and Barracuda win, what will change in the enclave of weirdos? Perhaps more weirdos will be able to afford housing if values decline. The community bonds will grow stronger as neighbors once again click their tongues, shake their heads and commiserate about the election results over a kale smoothie at the coffeehouse, especially the ones who vote for Nader or try to write Ron Paul's name on their ballots.
5. I live on a hill, sort of.
Rising ocean levels will reach me much later than other people.
6. I am willing to eat bugs.
Last week I proved to myself that if need be, I can eat a bug without gagging.
7. I did it my way?
Forget all the hand-wringing, back-biting and second guessing at Huffington Post and leftier blogs. "It's over.", "No it's not!", "Ten things Obama must do", "Three things you have to do." "Fight back!", "Stay cool!", "Get smarter", "Play dumb.", "Get the truth out!" "Forget the truth and fight fire with fire!" In the end, people will believe what they want to believe. Even though I am not in charge of much, even though I am not among those who'll be most hurt if it doesn't work out, the most important question is am I doing all that I can do to help or am I going to shake my head and curl up around a smoothie?
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