What Stupid Things Make You Laugh?
Sometimes words cannot describe the funniest things. Maybe you had to be there, but that can't stop me from trying to share the laughter.
Here's my list.
The time when Mom told us, "Don't say fart. Say pass gas."
Saying Gnip Gnop (added 3/29/2004)

This dance my big brother used to do
Brian Setzer in the Stray Cats "Rock This Town" video
"Malvert pee red." from STUDENT BODIES
a billboard on I-394 that advertised a free box of steaks with every windsheild replacement
"Electricity drives me insane." from CRY BABY (pretty much all of CRY BABY)
This website of halloween costumes at

As Quiconque's mother used to say, "Little Makes a Fool Laugh."
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