Ashyknees' Time Killer

The author is willing, but her punctuation is weak.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

ENTP does not equal ODNF

According to the test I just took, I am an ENTP (Extraversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Perceptive), heavy on the P. How sexy is that?

I must resist the temptation to reinterpret the results as ODNF(Obnoxious Dreamy Nerdy Flaky) and instead focus on my ability to "see many ways of getting things done and logically analyze how different choices might turn out" and "demonstrate my understanding of the complex interrelationships between facts." One of the careers I ought to consider, according to the testing gizmo, is News Correspondent. If I chose to go that route, I will know I've made it big when Quiconque refers to me as a dullard.