Ashyknees' Time Killer

The author is willing, but her punctuation is weak.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Becoming a Gentle Breeze

Remember, Admins. Some people are very special. You can't ask them to fill out the same forms everyone else fills out, because these people are deep, complicated, and above all, sensitive. When your boss boss "tasks" you with gathering information from many very special people and they turn up their noses at your petty forms --the forms that you in your small mindedness worked so hard to make simple yet flexible--
you can only chuckle to yourself, "Oh, those eccentric intellectuals!" You certainly don't call them nasty names out loud in front of the impressionable student workers. You would never, never imagine the swift sweet landing of your foot against their very special, sensitive butts.

No, you become that steady stream of water that polishes the stone, the firm but gentle breeze that trains the gnarled oak.