My Pride is All I Have
Thanks to "Jenny from the Block," I know that I'm not the only one with pride on her mind. What is the value of self integrity? Which games will I condescend to play and for what stakes? How often must I bite my tongue and where might I have to stick it?
Over the years I've had bosses order me to I clean mountain lion fur off of velvet, taste mysterious salads to determine their meat content, and most recently, smell a room to see if anyone can tell that students were snacking in it. But work will always be like that, even with promotions and advanced degrees. I've seen a middle aged gruff CFO haul ass like teenage cadet at the word that his boss was approaching. For me, the most complicated self-integrity questions are personal.
I found that I am not willing to honor a strange man's request for a picture of my legs, but I am willing to pay $24.99 a month* for the chance to correspond with men like him via cloaked email.
Now I am deciding how much of my pride to ditch so that I can see Thing 1 and Thing 2 in spite of their parents' pride. There are a lot of little boys running around, but ones to love are hard to come by.
*cheaper if you order more months
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