I Don't Like to Finish
I don't want to finish Moby Dick. It's just too good.
I wish I didn't have to finish the birth documentary. I was really getting into staying up over night and finding cool archival b-roll type stuff, but it was already overdue. When I showed it in class last night, this artsy guy asked me if I was trying to make the video gross on purpose. Dude, it's about a woman describing the birth of her son. There was only one bloody image on screen for less than 3 seconds. Don't be such a wimp.
Also not fun, giving a class presentation on The Fog of War. I couldn't figure out the controls on the room's dvd player, and all the while, I had to stop myself from pointing at the screen and saying, "Ya see? Amazing! Look at that!" I had a film professor who would sometimes screen segments of film and say "cut" at every edit point. Maybe I should have done that.
This morning I made one of my student workers watch a bit of The Fog of War. She said, "That guy's going to hell." I now believe it is my duty to force this student to watch scenes from movies I enjoy. It's for her own good. This is the kid who says things like "Independence Day is the best!" and can't let a week go by without mentioning Newsies.
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