Ashyknees' Time Killer

The author is willing, but her punctuation is weak.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Murder My Digital Darlings

Dang my boasting about being the only one at my workplace who can throw things away. It's true, I have no love of things, so long as those things are physical. Once they are captured by a CCD chip and translated into ones and zeros, however, they are my precious darlings and it hurts me like a hangnail to erase them.

This weekend, I took over 500 pictures. I've managed to select the best 125 or so (at 125, the term best is a little bit of an exaggeration. 2 of these pictures are of grass--just grass.), but I don't know if I should delete the rest. What if I change my mind?

When I took a traditional photography course and had to make contact sheets, test strips, proofs, prints, then paint out the dust spots and such, I was ruthlessly selective about the photographs I bothered to make and keep. Now that the only thing at stake is gigabytes and the patience of flickr folks, I'm a photo hamster.

Maybe modern art was about conception. Art in this age is about selection. Some smart person probably figured that out in the days of the Commodore 64. I wish that person was around to help me delete some of my photographs.