I'm Mad as Hell and I am Going to Take It Some More
This weekend, while doing a little S and P from that S.P.A.C.E organizing acronym, I thought I'd make this tedious task lighter by listening to This American Life. I'm glad that I did, and I'm mad that I did.
The episode, called Habeas Schmaebeas, is one of the best of the series.
It's hard to dwell on the irritations and shame of going through over 10 years worth of personal documents while listening first hand accounts of how completely f'd our nation's Gitmo prisoner policy is. Once again, a situation's worse than I thought it was.
It's a gut-wrenching shame. Now, what am I going do about it? Write a letter to Rick Santorum?*
These are my usual excuses for not getting involved in a political issue:
1. My Senators aren't going to make an effort to court my favor, especially not the crazy one.*
Solution: work to get the crazy one out of office.
2. I don't know if I have enough information to start advocating any solutions.
Solution: If I don't know, I'd better call somebody.
3. Why get involved with this particular issue when there may be a more vital one that deserves my attention?
Solution: This is so weak! It's better to chose an issue and get involved that to be a wishy-washy lump.
4. I don't understand local politics because I didn't grow up around here.
See solution to Number 2.
5. Corruption in local politics seems so pervasive that I can't sort out the weevils.
Excuse 5 is my big stumper.
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