Looking for New Dwellings
I've been living in the same place now for about six years, that's my all-time adult record. I suppose I'm about as attached to my current apartment as I've been to any building, that is, not so much. Just enough so that I let out a restful sigh when I return to it after a short trip. I can't afford that notion of a house or an apartment being a reflection or extension of my self. Still, I enjoy my friends' interior design.
Soon I'll have all the necessary elements in line to secure a new apartment.
Yes, I've done some stuff and thought some thoughts since January 30. Yet I didn't bother to share them here. Here, I must be so general, but so it's the specifics that make for good reading. Universal feelings are best in popular music lyrics.
I must write 3000 words for work by next Wednesday. I am knitting a beret.
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