Ashyknees' Time Killer

The author is willing, but her punctuation is weak.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

How to Have Fun By Yourself

I had to take some vacation days or lose them. It's silly to complain about the situation, yet here I go.

Vacation days spent doing chores hardly seem like vacations, but doing fun things on a vacation day when everyone else is at work could wind up costing more than a day's pay if I'm not careful. So after spending too much money "window shopping," I decided to come up with a list of fun things to do alone for less than 5 bucks. I limited myself to things that are legal, even in the southern states.

1. Window shopping with the credit and debit cards at safely at home. (Today I went to Boyd's for the first time looking like a total raggamuffin. Took sick pleasure from the discomfort on the clerks' faces as they tried to appear polite. "May I help you?" "No thanks, just looking.")
2. Visit the library. Visit a museum on free days/hours.
3. Watch Television, listen to radio (cost: depends on energy rates)
4. Write lists (cost: paper, ink or graphite)
5. Take a walk (cost: wear on shoes)
6. Draw a picture (can be done for less than 5 bucks if you already have the supplies on hand).
7. re-read a favorite book (cost: lighting)
8. listen to recording I haven't heard in years. Watch one of my old movies.
9. write a letter
10. origami or kirigami
11. memorize a poem or favorite quotes
12. design or plan a creative project (it can be a practical project, but nothing essential)
13. sing
14. take a soak in the tub
15. safety permitting, ride a bus or train to the end of the line, then back again.

Any other ideas out there?