Many Times, Many Ways
Mrs. Ass and I managed to do more than certain high paid pundits seem to be able to handle--we had a civilized discussion about the "Happy Holidays" salutation, "Holiday" trees in the public square, and the whole Pagan/Christian/Jewish vs. Everybody Else who shares this world deal.
When I comes to public celebration of the winter holidays and festivities, I say bring it all on.
On Kwanzaa, On Christmas, On Pagans with Fairies,
Ramadan, Festivus, Hanukkah Harry!
From the City Hall Lawn to the Shopping Mall
Let's celebrate celebrate celebrate All!
When I say "Happy Holidays," I mean Happy Holidays. Well, this is what I'm thinking when I say Happy Holidays.
"Dear Person,
Since it is a time when so many holidays coincide, I want to mark the occasion with a special greeting/farewell instead of the usual 'See you later' or 'How's it going?' I do not know the particulars of your beliefs. I barely know the particulars of my beliefs. In keeping with my Christian upbringing, I wish that you would experience the particular ideal of happiness and good will that I associate with Christmas time without endorsing or denouncing any belief."
In other words, Happy Holidays!
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