I was born on this day
Since I didn't really come up with anything special to do in celebration of my birth except eat a really good muffin from the Metropolitan Bakery, I guess I'll do something special tomorrow. Maybe ice skating.
The last year was okay. I settled into a new job. I became a knitter. I learned more about how my brain works. A bunch of friends gave birth to fine new people. My hair got bigger.
It's strange to me how so many things happen and their significance is so fleeting, but then later, I remember how much they effected me. Maybe I should make a bigger deal out of these events somehow.
Maybe I will start an old fashioned journal this year. I used to be such a prolific writer. Sometimes, I can't believe how important writing used to be to me, how often I used to think that writing was the closest thing I would find to a calling. Now, I knit in my spare time.
Maybe I will start saving money to buy a digital camera. I could put the pictures in the journal. I could put drawings in the journal, too. I used to draw a lot.
One thing I must do this year is improve my relationship to money. I would like money to be a tool, not an obstacle. Not, as it often is in my mind, a miasmic specter of doom or another irritating abstract social construction.
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