Scary Loo Loos and their Bad Plots
Sometimes I get scared by reports about the loo loos in this land and their twisted notions about the Manchurian candidate and such.
If you ever saw the movie The Manchurian Candidate (the original with Frank Sinatra), you'll recall that foreign spies plotted to plant one of their own in the White House. Hollywood screenwriters back then had a better sense of plot than today's loo loos. The filmmakers knew that if you want to take over this country by subterfuge, you don't do it using some brown guy whose father is obviously foreign. Why do it the hard way? If you're a sneak, be sneaky. Use connected and wealthy families with an Anglo or Celtic surnames. Use U.S. veterans as pawns, because who would suspect our own military heroes? Use a woman who embodies motherhood to incite violence. Immediately label anyone who suspected your motives as un-American.
Any of that sound familiar? I don't mean to be conspiracy nut myself. I'm just saying. . .
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