Happy Freaking Birthday
One of the most irritating things about Facebook is the birthday announcements. I've never been at ease with birthday greetings. I am horrible at remembering my loved ones' birthdays, and hopeless at remembering those of acquaintances. I get stressed out over how to sign a birthday card for a co-worker. I prefer to just sign my name and be done with it. But, no! If other people have written something clever before the card comes to me, then I can't. If I just sign my name, I'll look like some kind of robot. I'll look like I don't care about the person at all. In some cases, that's the truth, but not always.
It was better when I had plausible excuses for not saying, "Happy Birthday!" or sending a card. I could say, "Oh, you didn't tell me." or "Sorry, I forgot. I am terrible with birthdays." Now I know everyone's birthday and I have to go through the stress for everyone I bothered to "friend."
Now you may ask, how hard is it to type "Happy Birthday!" on someone's Facebook wall? Not very. But there's something disingenuous about it that makes me hesitate. Not only do I go through all the considerations connected with the collegial birthday card. I also start to question my relationship with the person. I start to wonder if the person really wants another birthday alert from yet another acquaintance. I wonder if my greeting is actually a pain in the ass instead of a kind act.
I chose not to make my birthday known on facebook. I feel like I'm doing people a favor. If they don't know when my birthday is, then they don't have to say anything about it. They are relieved of all birthday wish duties.
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