I am the un_Gridley.

So far,
Young Adam, starring Eewwwan McGrregorrr and the birdlike belle-laide Tilda Swinton, has been my only film fest flick. This movie was blue in every sense of the word -- in color, in spirit, in raunchiness. A few scenes provoked gasps from the daintier members of the audience. I sat next to Melba during the screening and later Saginator and her main squeeze appeared. Although afterwards none of us could say that she liked this movie, it fueled a pretty interesting discussion at Little Pete's (including a brief tangent about guys calling their privates "junk." What is up with that, people?), and isn't that what arty film fest going is all about? I thought
Young Adam was a pretty honest look under the rocks of humanity. It was well done, but the ending definitely leaves you wanting a bath, or wanting to watch
weeping camels.
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