Come fire, come floods, come fungus!

Come fire, come floods, come fungus. I do not care. A borrower never has to worry that there's no living person around who knows how to fix her eight-track tape deck. The borrower's motto is never collect any media that requires special hardware to enjoy. So I was content with my dozen CD's, 25 odd books, and couple handfuls of VHS tapes. Until I bought a DVD player. At first I loved Netflix. I could rent whatever I wanted without fear of video store hipster clerk judgments (that'll be in the frustrated baby-buster section, ma'am). But Netflix isn't fast enough. I have 50 movies in my queue. There's no way I'll be in the mood for Death To Smoochy when it arrives. I want to see Ed Norton in a rhino costume when I want to see it, not when Netflix and the post office get it together. Thanks to the DVD, I have this strange new urge to possess the movies, to know that they'll be there when I need them. Is this what being a collector feels like?
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