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I was thinking about blog comments. That reminded me of this small childhood moment.

Anyway, this was the kind of church where Sunday worship lasted at least half the day, so we had to attend Sunday school. My older brother sat in dread as class began. His fists clenched. His jaw steeled. He was bracing himself for the inevitable moment when I, in the tradition of younger siblings, would embarrass him in front of yet another community. When the Sunday school teacher finished her little lecture, she asked, "Does anyone have any comments?"
I raised my hand up high.
"I have a comment!" I piped. "What's a comment?"
To my brother, my statement was completely illogical and unnecessary, but to me, it was an act of sincere curiosity. As the other children laughed, my brother's forehead fell to his fist, filling me with satisfaction. For I had fulfilled my virtue. By simply being me, I had embarrassed my big brother in every state we had ever set foot in.
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