Fri, Sat, Sun
On Fri, the improv group did a fringe preview performance at Tritone at something called the Binge Festival. Even the acts that totally sucked were at least entertaining in their freakishness. For our brief set, I asked the audience for a location and we got "The Governors Mansion in NJ." Yeah, it was that kind of crowd. We got some genuine good feedback, even though the bar was far from an ideal venue for our thang. The Binge show was hosted by the same guys who prematurely axed me at the karaoke smackdown, but I didn't recognize them until the end of the evening. I could give them such a pinch! If you go to the Fringe, you should see Fat Kid Opera, which is part of Anna Bella Eama.
On Sat, I brunched with Mrs Ass, then lounged about shamelessly as I waited for word from Aunt Liz on when I should visit. I thought, soon the sun will set and I will have wasted a day to this bed, so I returned to the freaking library to geta book. I checked my email to find that a man in an ascot had send me a match dot com wink. Curiousity forced me to reply. It turns out he was wearing it because of some rocky horror related event. Horror indeed. As Qui used to say, run screaming from that! I took two feature length movies for me to redo my hair.
On Sun, I visited Aunt Liz and Uncle P. A couple of weeks ago, my Uncle P took a bad turn and was hospitalized, but he is unsinkable. He's made great improvements since I visited last weekend. I'm not much good in the hospital, trying to look pleasant as my eyes follow the tubes going in and out, but there were less tubes this time.
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