Savage Pictures, Voorhees in My Mind
a quote from Jonathan Swift. (Whoo hoo!)
Geographers on Afric Maps
with Savage Pictures fill their Gaps
I have finally broken away from soggy novels...for now. Reading them was like being the only one watching a soap opera or the West Wing. When something outlandish happened, I had no one to turn to who would understand, no one to share my excitement. "Can you believe what Diana said to the Doctor?" "What the f are you talking about?" Also, I couldn't supress the slighly paranoid notion that the soggy novels were slowly converting me to some kind of classical liberal humanism, which is not the worst world view ever, but still.
So now I'm reading these books about African history. One problem has carried over from the soggy book reading: my poor knowledge of geography. All these kingdoms and people are running together like oils in a parking lot puddle. The books describe where Kush was, they include a couple of dinky maps, but it might as well be just south of Voorhees in my mind. I want no gaps in which savage pictures may develop.
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