The author is willing, but her punctuation is weak.
Many things that seem uncool or just downright pathological can actually serve a function. Pessimism may have helped humans survive the last ice age, even though it's hindering my ability to thrive in the current age. Impossible crushes may help me by fulfilling the desire to have a crush. If I must have crushes, it's better to have an obviously hopeless crush than to have a tantilizingly hopeful crush, so long as one is aware that there is no absolutely no chance, and this is the tricky part.
Three good things about this weekend were:
As if to prove those freaky Disney animatronic Small World kids right, Duchess Harris has commented on Ashyknee's Time Killer.
When I was in college, I noticed that for all the diversity (remember I'm from MN and diversity is relative), everyone was pretty much the same.
There is also wide disagreement about what, if anything, should be done about the underrepresentation of African-American students whose families have been here for generations. Even Professor Gates, who can trace his ancestry back to slaves, and Professor Guinier, whose mother is white and whose father immigrated from Jamaica, emphasize different ideas.
"This is about the kids of recent arrivals beating out the black indigenous middle-class kids," said Professor Gates, who plans to assemble a study group on the subject. "We need to learn what the immigrants' kids have so we can bottle it and sell it, because many members of the African-American community, particularly among the chronically poor, have lost that sense of purpose and values which produced our generation."
In Professor Guinier's view, there are plenty of other blacks who could also succeed at elite colleges, but the institutions are not doing enough to find them. She said they were overly reliant on measures like SAT scores, which correlate strongly with family wealth and parental education.
"Colleges and universities are defaulting on their obligation to train and educate a representative group of future leaders," said Professor Guinier, a Harvard graduate herself who has been studying college admissions practices for more than a decade. "And they are excluding poor and working-class whites, not just descendants of slaves."
During the Cold War, my dad devoured spy novels. His shelves bowed under the weight of Ludlum and le Carre paperbacks. He even did a little Tom Clancy, as I recall, in spite of the politics. So I'll just blame my genes for not letting me put down this damn Patrick O'Brian book. I'm now on The Ionian Mission, the eighth of these soggy novels and I still don't know what the heck half the words mean, between the aft and the poop. Back in high school history class, I slept through much of the Napoleonic wars unit(maybe I was in love or going through some internal growth spurt). I'm from the prairie. It's all I can do to remember where Mauritius is and when they refer to The Cape, I couldn't tell you which continent its on. Maybe that's why I love these books. They have nearly nothing to do with my life.
I boarded the Chinatown bus moments before it was scheduled to leave for Philly. The man seated behind me took it upon himself to let me know it was okay to recline my seat. God help me, I reclined. Some stupid force within me compels these regrettable actions, some fear of my own power and my right to be left alone. And men like this one know--probably by some equally pathological, symbiotic instinct-- that they can talk to me and I will listen.
On Saturday, I returned to my old stomping grounds for a picnic, hosted by my college friend and his Special Lady, in one of the best places on earth. Boggle and Frisbee. More details to come.
It turns out that guy number 2 from the spring street experience is a poor reader(among other things) or just oblivious. My profile said I'm looking for a left of center guy. Maybe he took the word as an indication of global position, always relative. Anyway, after a tolerable dining experience, in which he droned on about conference calls and failed to name any hobbies or interests, we were walking around the city when an eager young man in a DNC t-shirt asked us if we wanted to beat Bush in November.
Last night I survived The Day After Tomorrow. The Day After Tomorrow had all the post cold war millennial disaster movie ingredients:
I survived the crossing of Market Street, 6:11 p.m. Tuesday, June 15, 2004.
After I confessed to doing improv comedy*, I figured I had nothing to lose, so also told my new friend that I have a blog. When we finally met for coffee he asked, with some trepidation, if he was going to be mentioned in said blog. So with apologies to my new friend, here's a brief play by play for the masses.
Cool Person: Hey, what are all the hipsters doing this Friday, June 18th at 8 p.m.?
Would they just bury the man already? I swear they ought to make concert style T-shirts that say REAGAN, the Fairwell Tour, with a list of the cities where they've flown his body.
Ataulfo mangos are like butta!
Reviewer: thepeskyangel (see more about me) from Nottingham, UK
I, for one, find body hair of any description totally abhorrent, so I found this book one of the most difficult and challenging reads of my life. Peterkin's description of hair follicles, for example, borders, at times, on the pornographic.
I had to skip the chapter where he waxes lyrical about the curl-to-density ratio of pubic hair because I became too nauseous to carry on reading.
Every Saturday morning my mom calls me to make sure I'm not dead. When she asks me what's new, I usually say, "Nothing much." And as I say those words, I believe them, when really lots of stuff is happening.
The five minutes of sound and fury that inspired the previous post have been replaced by a hopefully longer lived satisfaction with my current identity concept craze, ENTP.
Generic Global Person says,"I am from Earth and I love football and coca cola!"
You may recall this list of cinema's worst sex scenes. Here is another which contains the best worst sex scene ever!
Romance is best left in repertory film screenings or the classics section of the video store. In reality, it's just annoying.
My roommate entrusted me to feed her goldfish while she is away in Europe, but when I sprinkled the prescribed amount of fish flakes into their tank, they just kept chilling in the corner. When I get back tonight, those flakes had better be gone! Perhaps I will contact Sonya for help.
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