Ashyknees' Time Killer

The author is willing, but her punctuation is weak.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I haven't posted much recently in part because I've just been pissed off a lot and also because nothing new is happening.

Angry. Bored. Angry. Bored.

See, it doesn't make for good reading.

No money, no cool activities. No cool activities, no cool blog posts.

As Suze Orman might say, I don't have a healthy relationship with my money. I still don't like money. My dislike for money is a lot like my former dislike for football. It's like a bunch of guys running into each other, then there's a lot of waiting. What is the point?

When I was in college, one of the guys down the hall had a poster over his bed that was just a big picture of stacks of money with the caption "my first million." Other similar guys had posters of cars, chicks in bikinis, or places they wanted to visit...desirables that they would presumably acquire with money, but a few just had a poster of money. They just liked money. They liked money the way I like yarn. To look at. To count. To have and to hold.

When I hold money, it is only exciting because of what I could buy with it. And that excitement is usually overtaken by the fear that I will probably do the wrong thing with it.

Friday, March 16, 2007


What have you been doing lately, Ashy?


How is work?

Okay, I guess.

What projects have you been working on?

I dunno. Stuff.

Reading any interesting books? Watch any movies?

Yeah, I guess.

[The part of Ashy was played by a fifth grader at a family dinner table.]

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Quote of the Week

"crazy as a soup sandwich"--some guy on they interviewed on public radio talking about the mayoral campaign of Milton Street.

Touched by a Hoagie

The weather just wrecked havoc over many parts of the country, but here and now, it's just gorgeous.

Some of my coworkers have noticed how it's the little, stupid things that bring joy. For instance, last week I was so pissed off at life that I could chew glass. Then, I tried a Vietnamese chicken hoagie, and for a moment, life was very good. People were good, because people had made the hoagie (not to mention the chicken's contribution), and the hoagie was so very good.

I said to my coworkers, it's great that we find happiness in little, stupid things because these things are all around us. Like Cadbury creme eggs, crossword puzzles, neat office supplies and cute birds chirping and stuff.

"But that's not really happiness," one coworker said. "That's pleasure."

Yeah, okay. Still, it's better to be able to find pleasure in little stupid things than to only find pleasure in big complicated things that are hard to come by.