Ashyknees' Time Killer

The author is willing, but her punctuation is weak.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

I'll Buy That for a Dollar or Life Lacks the "Lubitsch Touch"

Romance is best left in repertory film screenings or the classics section of the video store. In reality, it's just annoying.

A couple of cheapskates have responded to my spring street personal ad with "winks." You can't "wink" back. If you want to reply, it'll cost you one credit (about a buck). I replied to one guy, but I don't know about the other. My gut says a dollar is too much to pay to send an email to anyone who wears a pleather(could be leather, but still) baseball cap. Call me sexist and classist, but these guys seem weak and cheap. Or they could be on to something.

Maybe I'll try winking.