the final documentary project
Lawd help me. I must chose a new idea for my final doc project. I know one woman who juggles balls of flame and another who goes to sheep trials with her dog. I guess I could do something about one of those people. If neither of those ideas pans out, I could be forced to make another "personal and poetic" documentary video for my final class project. Or I could go out into the world with the camera and shoot without asking for permission.
I am considering doing something illustrating the process of the self (yeah, I'm not sure what that means, either. There's a great conceptual quagmire danger there.)
It's hard to really share my thoughts and feelings, to communicate my excitement for things. For instance, I cannot simply show my student worker footage of a pudding shaped like an island in the Pacific and expect her to understand why this is good and wondrous.
Faced with this gap, I think it doesn't matter what video I make or what I write. But then, if it doesn't matter, why not do it? Why not throw myself into a project that I love? Why not make crap if I love crap?
If I cannot go out into the world and report, then I have no choice but to look inward and bore the hell out of everyone!
I love documentary!
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