Year of the Cinematic Geek Fantasy
One trend I've noticed from my furtive glances at film critic's year end lists and discussions is that 2004 was a very good year for on screen schlubs to get it on with hot chicks and that something is wrong with this picture.
Even "Paulettes" and hipper-than-thou aesthetes can agree that movie dorks scored way more than nature would have allowed. Crazy men got loving care from classy dames. The best example of this trend is the Sideways coupling of Paul Giamatti and Virginia Madsen. Even if you think Mr. Giamatti is cute, his character was so rude to the smart and lovely lady you have to wonder why she gave him a second look. Why?Becauseitsamovie was the thought that probably flashed through my head as I watched and mostly enjoyed Sideways.
But Why?Becauseitsamovie logic is not good enough to excuse the overwhelming presence of geek boy fantasy in American movies.
Perhaps there are more homely male/gorgeous female couples in the world than the other way around, but based on my observations, the movies have skewed the ratio beyond belief--even suspension of disbelief belief.
The world is way past due for some geek girl fantasy movies.
The first solution, more geek girl directors, does not necessarily yield my desired result. I'm not saying that Lost In Translation would be better if Jane Curtain had connected with Josh Hartnett, but I would have enjoyed the film's opening shot a lot more. I fear the problem is more complex that an equal opportunity solution.
I believe it is related to a problem I used to have with looking at guys naked. More on that later.
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