Beef and Cheesed: Part 1 of My visit to MA
Adorable and fascinating statements from my nephews, Thing 1, age: 6 and Thing 2, age: almost 3.
Thing 1: (while playing with the game cube) I have 41 seconds left. 41 seconds is a long time.
Thing 1: Want to hear a mean rhyme for fake santas?
You stink.
You smell like beef and cheese!
Ashy: Stink doesn't rhyme with beef and cheese.
Thing 1: Yeah, but beef rhymes with cheese.
Ashy: Thing 2 is 2 and 10 months...
Thing 1: Just say he's 3.
Thing 2: I have a girlfriend...he's Sonic. (that's Sonic the hedgehog of videogame fame)
Thing 2: 'S cool.
Thing 2: (when I took his picture) You cheesed me!
Thing 2 is difficult to quote. He only talks in complete sentences when he is sleepy or giving commands. Most of the time, he was so excited, nearly everything he said was an exclaimation. He referred to the Christmas tree as "the Christmas." He kissed my hands. He kissed my feet. He caressed my cheeks and said "so cute!" And when the guest children poured into the basement, he wrapped himself around my leg and declared, "My Ashyknees!" He also punched me in the boob, but I'll let that go. Thing 2 is a happy boy, but from what I gather, he has frequent dreams in which werewolf/dogs lick and eat him.
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