Men Eat Food and Work
I confess that about once a week or so, I stand on the edge of completely giving up on dating. Usually I don't even bother remarking on this lack of hope, because if I gave up on romance who would notice the difference anyway? The hope returns, usually based on nothing, and I keep using the same the ineffective tactics I've been doing for the last year to attract potential suitors.
But this week is different. A friend has managed to put me in touch with a friend of a friend. Nothing else has happened with that yet, and nothing more may ever happen. Then, a most generic guy actually sent me a message through OKCupid. This guy's communications could be the title of a Talking Heads album: More about a Man Who Eats Food and Work in Buildings.
I am a man.
Planes fly over my house.
I work with technology.
I like your profile.
Woman, be friends with me.
I am a brown man
who cooks the food
my ancestors cooked.
Don't be afraid.
I'll make it taste real good.
Oh oh
I like to have fun.
Oh oh
Thank you for your time.
Oh oh
I like to have fun.
Oh oh
Thank you for your time.
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