Ashyknees' Time Killer

The author is willing, but her punctuation is weak.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Done and Done

Whew. I finished my final documentary video project, inspite of all my doubts and dread. No, it's not a contender for a student EMMY. But is it out of my ass...sort of. I want to go back and fix a few things.

Still I turned it in on freakin' time! I wish I could take that for granted, but right now, that makes me want to give myself a big high five.

Post partum notes to self:
DO use the bird by bird philosophy.
DO remember how much I enjoy editing.
DO remember how much I enjoy interviewing people.
DO NOT look at the NYT headlines on porch as I walk out the door on your way back to the lab at 7 a.m. after getting 2 hours of sleep unless I want to mix fatigue with righteous indignation.
DO realize that the resolution of certain technical issues is just that, technical, not the results of some great lightening bolt genius.
DO check the lens for schmutz.