Poached in the Middle Middle
After three weekends of frisbing, I feel confident enough to get more aggressive at the next game even though I still don't understand what the hell my coach is saying half the time. Like most activities with a devoted following, ultimate disc has the requisite lexicon of jargon that makes no sense to the rest of the world. Here are a few of the words I've learned and what they seem to mean. Don't worry, all the yelling I mention is done in a kind and sporting spirit.
Poached: I think this is when the defense leaves one person open to double team another offensive player. It sounds bad, but I'm not sure.
Middle middle: A position I don't have to play.
The Cup: A defensive formation in which my teammates yell at me to let me know who to mark.
Mark: Involves standing close to that player and waving my arms around.
Handlers: Players who know what they're doing. They throw the disc back and forth looking for opportunities to move it down the field while I stand around or occasionally run to an orange cone, wondering if I am helping the team in any way.
Lay Out: when players, usually male, throw themselves into air horizontally in an insane all out effort to catch the disc. This gives them the opportunity to display their physical prowess, daring, and denial of mortality. Laying out also maximizes a player's dirt and cool scab coverage. To get even more dirt on the body, the lay out can be followed by a gratuitous half somersault over the turf.
Cut: Something I really ought to be doing when on offense, but instead I stay in one place or run to an orange cone, then run back to my place.
Pick: Some kind of a foul. When someone yells pick, everyone has to stand in place until everyone starts running around again and the game can continue.
The Force: Defenders try to force the offense to throw in a certain direction. This determines my position relative to the player I am covering, unless I get confused, then my position is again determined by teammate yelling and how fast I can manage to run at that point in the game.
Huck: What the...
Beer: Tastes better when served in a clear plastic cup instead of a Styrofoam cup.
Cricket: A mysterious circle ritual performed by the brown men in white sweaters who share the field and clubhouse with the frisbers.
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