Ashyknees' Time Killer

The author is willing, but her punctuation is weak.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Stiffling the Knee-Jerk

My job required me to contact a bunch of libertarians and just looking at their publications pissed me off. Still, I did my duty with no snark.

Even though I agree with libertarians (real libertarians) and anarchists on some things, they do piss me off more than conservatives and people to the left of me. I think it's the veneer of reason over a sort of denial of reality that bothers me so much.

Really, I would like to be more comfortable dealing with people who don't share my political philosophies. I try. Sometimes I succeed. For example, I recently watched a half hour tv interview of Condoleeza Rice and she didn't piss me off once.

By the way, anyone who says university presses only publish left wing stuff can suck it. This place publishes authors with a wide range of viewpoints, even though well-funded conservative and libertarian think tanks already make sure their arguments get their time in the sun.

No, we did not publish a book by a holocaust denier, because that would be stupid.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I Can't Use It

Some child-free people say they don't understand how any adult can enjoy the company of small children. They roll their eyes when anyone tells cute kid stories, but frequently, these same people constantly post photos of their cats and dogs and go on and on about the way Fluffy plays with a wad of paper or likes to jump on their lap.

I like animals. I would get a dog if I had enough space and time to care for it properly. But I could never muster up the level of enthusiasm for pets, especially cats, that many of my friends express.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Gone Fishin'?

This week I received two email alerts from Plenty of Fish. Some pseudonyms want to meet me, but I don't care enough to bother to find out who they are.

I Think It's Working

On the vanity front, I think the drug store brand retinol cream is working. I believe the skin on my face looks slightly better. Better than what? Better than I remember it looking.

That's the problem in evaluating these beauty products. I tried to take a "before" photo of my face the day I started using this stuff, but I didn't feel like taking the time to set up my camera to do it properly, so eager was I to smear this famous goop on my face.

My main goal is not wrinkle reduction. Even since puberty, my pores have been enlarged, clogged, or volcanic. And while I doubt this retinol stuff will give me the pores of an immaculately conceived toddler, I do hope it will reduce my pores significantly.

After about 5 nights of applying the cream, I haven't noticed any pore shrinkage, but my skin looks brighter.

Thursday, December 09, 2010


Monday, December 06, 2010

Busy as Hell

I'm so freaking busy. It's good, but I must make time to eat properly and exercise. At least I got it together to make decent dinners for myself for the past couple of days. Tomorrow, my job will take me out of town. I'll only be gone for a day. I guess I'd better do the laundry. Wouldn't want to travel without clean drawers!