Mermaid Parade Photos
My pictures are on now on flickr for your viewing pleasure and edification.
The author is willing, but her punctuation is weak.
I would describe Coney Island and the Mermaid Parade in robust detail, I would lovingly paint each sunburned shoulder, each brown limb dusted with sand, each child's scream of delight and dismay, if only I weren't still so very pissed off about my health insurance, among other things. For now, all I can say was that we saw a man dressed as dookie.
Okay, I still want to know how come so many people in porn photos look so stupid. It's as if they didn't know their genitals and other sexy parts existed, and then all of the sudden while undressing, bathing or swimming, they're like "Heavens, I have an ass. Let me stick it out and ponder it." or "Gasp, I have boobs. I could just faint from the shock of it all!"
I've seen the end of the day come too soon
Those of you with a glimmer of hope that we might live in a civilized country, please check this out.
It's a pity how bad news can usurp the good from the top of memories. Let the record show that the weekend had some great moments, too.
"Â…it, it the, it, flame, flames, FLAMES on the side of my face, breathingÂ…"
By breathing deeply and remembering "this too shall pass," I managed to let my new dentist give me a novocaine injection without completely freaking out yesterday. My wonderful new dentist recommends that I take a valium before my next intense session of dental work.
Yesterday, while walking to south philly, I was mesmerized by the latest in skywriting technology overhead.
It was a two-improv gig Saturday. The first was a money making Bar Mitzvah appearance which we survived thanks to some PGTV schtick. The second was in a Chinatown night club.
After the show, I ordered a martini from the bar. Later I thought, wow, my tolerance has really dropped. I wasn't just tipsy. I was approaching loaded. That didn't stop my from performing--and rather well I must say-- in the post show improv jam. Afterward, the bartender told me he'd put 4 shots in my drink. Thanks, I think.
I have met my summer frisbee team and oh how I miss my spring team.
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